This came about by accident. What, what came about by accident? The Long Burger of course.
Summer is here and with a night off and company coming we needed a plan for dinner. Well, being me I wanted burgers and despite Aki's attempts to change my vision in the end we had burgers. (Please note Aki is now up 789 to -567 in points awarded for placating ones spouse.) Anyway, my vision was to have sliders on griddled English muffins. I was inspired by an episode of Good Eats where Alton Brown rolls out burger meat on a sheet pan, sprinkles it with onions and folds the meat onto itself, at which point he cuts small onion stuffed squares of burger, aka sliders. It turns out we had 1/3 pound burgers on griddled English Muffins and a whole quarter sheet tray of burger left over. I just cannot eat what I used to and truly overstuffed the sheet pan when making the burgers.
The next day, Aki was looking for some breakfast and just cut off a chunk of prepared burger meat and cooked it. She placed the plank of burger on a baguette and added her own choice of toppings. I saw her eating the burger and was immediately thrilled. Aki had made a long burger. We went to the store and bought hot dog buns and she just smiled as I talked about all the benefits of a long burger. First of all, the meat can just be rolled out into a sheet and then cut into strips. Secondly, in terms of buns you now only need one. Third, they already make those paper holders to contain over sized hot dogs. I could go on but my loaded Long Burgers must be eaten.