In writing this brief recipe I am making the assumption that most people have a base or familiar recipe for hummus. That said, we begin by pureeing the hummus and passing it through a tammis to make sure it is silky smooth. The recipe begins here.
Hummus Gnocchi
300g smooth hummus
75g water
3.75g Methocel SGA150
3.75g gelatin
Make sure the hummus is at room temperature. Bloom the gelatin in cold water. Bring the water to a boil, remove from the heat and whisk in the methocel to disperse it. Add the drained bloomed gelatin to the methocel water, then mix this mixture into the hummus. Once the two mixtures are fully combined, place the base mixture in a bowl in an ice bath and allow the mixture to cool completely. When the mixture is ice cold, place it in a pastry bag with a one centimeter tip. Bring a pot of water to a boil and season with salt and turn down the heat so the water just simmers. Begin to squeeze the hummus mixture into the water. Use a pairing knife to cut off two centimeter sections. The gnocchi will float and be firm to the touch when they are set. You can then fold these gnocchi into a warm sauce or ragout. Remember, the gnocchi base can be made ahead, but the gnocchi must be cooked to order and used warm. (For those out there with liquid nitrogen on hand, you could make the gnocchi into a bath of liquid nitrogen, then just place in the freezer and cook the gnocchi from frozen.)