In case you were wondering what the plan is for this Saturday's Pasta class, we will be making smoked tagliatelle, new-style bacon and egg yolk ravioli, blue cheese cavatelli, Chinese egg noodles, pumpernickel farfalle, and miso orecchiette. It's a fun combination of flavors and doughs to play with and we're looking forward to seeing what new twists our companions come up with.
Personality has been a definite factor in these cooking classes. The students have been varied and we've truly enjoyed getting to know some new people and being exposed to different perspectives and ideas. Challenging questions stretch our boundaries and we have a plethora of new ideas to work with at the end of every session.
The Hydrocolloids class has been popular and we are adding a couple to the schedule for December. This class is really an exploration of texture. The goal is to familiarize student with various hydrocolloids and show them what they are capable of achieving with them. This way people can take that information into their own kitchens and extrapolate to express their own inspirations and ideas. We'll be very curious to hear or read about what everyone comes up with over the coming weeks and months. It's a familiarization process because sometimes you just need to see and taste something for yourself in order to really understand and reproduce the effects. In this beginning class, Hydrocolloids at Home, we will walk you through examples of what can be achieved with xanthan gum, carageenan, agar agar, Methocel A15C, Gellan (high and low acyl), and Versa Whip.
Construction caused us to cancel the Benton's Ham class last month. We are re-scheduling it for December 1, 2007. It is celebration of great country ham and what you can do with it. County Ham is one of the original significant food treasures of the United States. Clearly smoking and hanging meats is an apreciable form of preservation and it also does amazing things for the flavor of the meat. We will have a smoked ham, an aged country ham and some beautiful slab bacon to work with and we will be creating dishes that allow the pork to shine, such as shaved country ham paired with home made garganelli, "ham cured" fish, oatmeal carbonara, and a compressed ham and apple terrine.
10am-1pm Saturday, November 17, 2007
Hydrocolloids At Home
10am-1pm Saturday, November 24, 2007
10am-1pm Saturday, December 15, 2007
Benton's Ham
10am-1pm Saturday, December 1, 2007