We were in WIlliams and Sonoma shopping for my sister in law's bridal showers. I was working the registry and Alex was wandering with Amaya. I conferred with the sales person, made my purchases (with a little input from the hubby) and arranged for giftwrapping. When I met up with my husband he was in the outdoor cooking section. "What do you think of that? It's a beer can chicken cooker for the grill." Actually they market it as a vertical chicken roaster. Needless to say I was equally enthusiastic about the purchase since we brought it home. Roasting chickens in the summertime is pure martyrdom and doing them on the grill seemed like a no-brainer. We filled the the center section with leftover chardonnay, Planeta 2005, and a few pieces of cut lemon. The chicken was seasoned with salt and cayenne. The results were amazing. A moist juicy chicken with a beautiful au jus. Clearly this is one piece of grilling equipment that will not go to waste. As for the jalapeno roaster, only time will tell.